What’s up, everyone!? Welcome to Just Life Period Blog and being that this is my first blog I want to talk about Starting! Just start! Start that business, start exercising lose that weight, start moving forward, and start being that creative being that God has created you to be. I know I know it’s easier said than done. It took me a whole year to implement what I wanted to do.
And I’ve learned and I am still learning that it’s the mindset, it’s the mind to execute that thing! And as I write this, I’m scared but I’m doing it! I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of letting my ideas and creativity die. I don’t want to wake up one day and be filled with regrets, I want to die empty knowing that I have done everything God has told me to do.
So, a question for you, what is causing you to not start? I know for me It’s the fear of failure. So rather than failing, I’d rather not carry out the idea. But I figured out that letting it sit and die kept me in that same stop, Wishing and wondering what if or this could have happened, and where would I have been in the next year or two? So just start it.
I knew this was bigger than me and one of the steps I sought after was reading God’s word. Did you know that some people like Moses, Jeremiah, and Gideon didn’t think that they could accomplish the plan that God had in store for them? It was always “God I can’t” because of this and that or I can’t do this because of my age or God I’m nothing. God was basically like “Yes you can because I’m with you!” God has seen something in them just as he sees something in you and me! God created you to be creative. Do you hear me? God created you to be creative! The dreams and ideas came from God, and he wants you to fulfill them. God wants you to live up to your full potential. The word of God encouraged me to start what he had planned for me.
Another thing is to take inventory of who is around you. Do you have positive or negative people around you? Are your people around when you are down or when you are up? Or both? Are your people pouring into you or draining the life out of you? I say this because sometimes when you see your people walking by faith it encourages you and exposes you to things that you didn’t even think could happen to yourself. God uses everyone and he places people in your life to relay a message to you. I know that when God wants me to know something he uses my husband (he doesn’t even know it half the time lol). I remember one day I was going through the motions of finding myself and feeling sorry for myself (I had been in my head most of the day) my husband came to me and asked me a question, “What do you want to do?” I started naming all the ideas that I wanted to do, and he simply told me, “Start it, take It one day at a time, and just do it.
So here I am scared, walking by faith, and doing it! Get your mindset in order. I have a few scriptures that I would love to share and that I stand on to this day because not every day is easy. But one of them is Hebrews 12: 11 which states, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” The mind requires discipline, yes, it’s painful and we war against spiritual and flesh but when you are disciplined in the mind, OMG what peace and righteousness it brings! (That makes me smile) another scripture I love is 2 Corinthians 10:5, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” From the time I committed myself to create this blog, this scripture has been everywhere I go LOL, but it makes sense I tend to doubt myself and sometimes I don’t believe in myself but when I read this scripture, we are to put our thoughts into captivity and make it obedient to Jesus! When your mind says I can’t, you turn it around and say I can do all things through Christ! When you feel frustrated go back to the book of Elijah when he was frustrated and God told him to hide and when he did God took care of him, fed him, and told him to take a nap! Take hold of your thoughts and make them subject to Christ!
Even though this thing is bigger than you keep fighting and keep going! I pray that this has encouraged you. I pray that you start what God has given you. Even if you are scared or don’t know where to start, start somewhere. I love you but God loves you more! You can do it! Be Blessed.